Unfiltered: Just Pretend this Dead Lion is a Human Baby, Then You Won’t be so Upset

 Editor’s Note: The hypocrisy of animal lovers is really unfathomable. The very people who will cry murder if you shoot a lion, will support a mother who wants to kill her child in the womb.

Yep, neo-cons are not the only ones out there who are confused. The libs are downright hypocritical (what my old mama used to call “two faced”).

o-KENDALL-JONES-SAFARI-KILLS-facebook-1024x512Editor’s Note: The hypocrisy of animal lovers is really unfathomable. The very people who will cry murder if you shoot a lion, will support a mother who wants to kill her child in the womb. Check out Matt Walsh’s take on this whole debacle. 

I’m sure you’ve seen this young woman’s photos plastered all over Facebook.

Her name is Kendall Jones. She’s a cheerleader, hunter, and, according to the internet, a vile scumbag who deserves to die a slow and painful death.

You see, Ms. Jones goes on trips to Africa where she hunts big game, like elephants and lions. Sometimes she tranquilizes them for the sake of scientific research, or to treat injuries on the animal , and sometimes she kills them. Kendall defends herself by saying that the hunts serve two purposes: 1) feeding hungry villagers, and 2) conservation.

I also think they make for some pretty cool Facebook photos, but that’s just me. At least, I prefer these over the pornographic garbage that clutters half of my newsfeed on a daily basis.

It’s funny that, of all the filth and depravity online, it takes an image of a dead zebra to really rile people up.

Even more peculiar: a million babies are killed every year in this country, yet that has never sparked this level of popular outrage. There are petitions circulating to have Kendall banned from both Facebook and the entire continent of Africa. The condemnation is near-universal, and the anger directed at her is unlike anything I’ve seen in a very long time.

Herein lies my struggle, America. This is why I’m such a cynic. I just can’t take your outrage seriously. We’re surrounded by death and evil, but we don’t complain until someone shoots a cheetah? That seems a bit arbitrary, if you ask me.

Many of the liberal blogs having a meltdown over Kendall Jones are the same ones that spent a week hailing Emily Letts, who filmed her own abortion. ‘What kind of monster smiles after killing something?’ they say about the woman posing with a tranquilized rhino, but not about the woman giggling while an abortionist executes her baby.

The whole dynamic is just deranged. Has the world ever known a culture as delusional as ours? Has a society ever been so confused?  I’m no anthropologist, but I have a hard time believing that any previous civilization could have developed such a perverse mix of hedonism and puritanism.  We’re told we shouldn’t bat an eye when a network sitcom centers an entire episode around teenage gay sex, but at the same time, we should be thin skinned and innocent to the point where news channels have to deliver disclaimers before airing the word ‘redskins.’

It’s utterly bizarre. If I was a space alien I’d be so completely confounded by it all that I’d probably cancel my plans to enslave the human race, thinking that something in Earth’s water supply must be driving its lifeforms insane.

Because that’s what this is: insanity. It’s not even that our morality is inverted or reversed – even that would be too logical. What we are experiencing is nothing short of moral anarchy. Now that we’ve made a mockery of virtue and a religion of death, we are left with nothing to be truly outraged about. So we become the violent answer to the man who gets home and releases his pent up anger by kicking his dog; we get home and release our pent up righteous indignation by killing the man who kicked his dog.

Personally, I don’t care about Kendall’s hobby either way. I don’t hunt myself, but I’m not opposed to it. I probably wouldn’t shoot a lion (except in self defense, should that occasion ever arise), but her actions are legal and helpful to both the townspeople she feeds and the local economy she stimulates. She says she doesn’t kill young animals or mothers with babies, and she claims that her actions help preserve the balance in the African wildlife population.

This article continues on TheMattWalshBlog.com

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Land and Livestock International, Inc. is a leading agribusiness management firm providing a complete line of services to the range livestock industry. We believe that private property is the foundation of America. Private property and free markets go hand in hand—without property there is no freedom. We also believe that free markets, not government intervention, hold the key to natural resource conservation and environmental preservation. No government bureaucrat can (or will) understand and treat the land with as much respect as its owner. The bureaucrat simply does not have the same motives as does the owner of a capital interest in the property. Our specialty is the working livestock ranch simply because there are so many very good reasons for owning such a property. We provide educational, management and consulting services with a focus on ecologically and financially sustainable land management that will enhance natural processes (water and mineral cycles, energy flow and community dynamics) while enhancing profits and steadily building wealth.
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5 Responses to Unfiltered: Just Pretend this Dead Lion is a Human Baby, Then You Won’t be so Upset

  1. Pro Life leaders decry abortion as causing pain to the fetus.

    But Pro Life leaders are oblivious to the pain of calves, ripped from their mothers and their throats slit, so Pro Life advocates can drink milk and eat cheese.

    They are silent about the pain to cows, skinned alive so Pro Life advocates can eat their flesh and wear their skins.

    Pro Life leaders never mention the pain to male chicks, thrown alive into grinders because they cannot produce eggs to be eaten by Pro Life advocates.

    The pain and suffering of pigs imprisoned in gestation crates so Pro Life advocates can eat their babies? Never complained about by Pro Life leaders.

    Is it possible that the elimination of pain is not really a concern to them? The most persuasive argument against abortion that I have heard is that it causes the fetus suffering and pain, yet that seems not to be the reason behind the Pro Life movement.

    The Pro Life movement is a creation of right-wing political charlatans.
    It is touted as a Christian concept, but is not biblically based.
    It is used to coalesce Christians into a voting bloc.
    It is used to demonize Liberals and progressives.
    It is was created in reaction to feminism and women’s liberation.
    It seeks to institutionalize the submissive role of women in the patriarchal traditions of Christianity.

    I have a number of Pro Life friends who are genuinely motivated to end pain and suffering.
    They want to ban abortion.
    But they are not hypocrites.
    They are also Animal Rights activists.
    They are Vegan.
    They alone have the moral authority to call themselves Pro Life.


    • And you are a fucking moronic idiot that will not survive the inevitable collapse–a social and economic melt down emanating from the destruction of the culture and economic system that gave you the highest standard of living in the history of the world and provided you with all the gadgets and gizmos that enable you to show your unlimited ignorance to the world. Eat shit and die fuckface.


  2. eyeontheuniverse says:

    please define your use of the word hypocrisy, because I’m not seeing it. Person A believes it is wrong to recreationally kill thinking animals who have lives and potentially families. What is hypocritical about thinking it is ok to eliminate single cells with some human genetic material…cell, that like those in your thumb, given cloning, might one day make a living, thinking human animal? It seems to me the only way these folks are hypocritical is if they are objecting to letting lions and other animals have voluntary abortions.


    • No sense wasting time on stupid assholes, just copy and paste:

      And you are a fucking moronic idiot that will not survive the inevitable collapse–a social and economic melt down emanating from the destruction of the culture and economic system that gave you the highest standard of living in the history of the world and provided you with all the gadgets and gizmos that enable you to show your unlimited ignorance to the world. Eat shit and die fuckface.


  3. Pingback: IS THAT LEGAL: PETA’s Joanna Krupa Makes Death Threat Against Huntress Kendall Jones | Flyover-Press.com

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