Flag Sickness Among the Politically Correct

This has now become a tactic of the cultural Marxists in Mississippi and elsewhere. “Confederate flags not only offend me but they make me physically ill, so you need to take them down so I don’t keep getting sick from seeing them.”

No where in the legal or ethical code of any civilized society is it written that anyone has any sort of “right” to NOT be offended. — jtl 419

by Al Benson Jr. via The Copperhead Chronicle

The Betrayed: On Warriors, Cowboys and Other MisfitsOn September 10th there was a Confederate flag rally at the state capitol in Jackson, Mississippi to garner signatures  for Initiative 58, which is a worthwhile effort to keep Mississippi’s State Flag as it is and to deny the cultural Marxists, in the future, the chance to tinker around with it until they remake it into some ghastly leftist perversion that no one could even look at before breakfast.Combat Shooter's Handbook Interestingly enough just a few days before that, on September 8th I think, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit that would have declared the Confederate emblem on the state flag as “an unconstitutional relic of slavery.”

The suit had been filed by Grenada, Mississippi lawyer Carlos Moore who  stated that the state’s flag literally made him ill. The judge, although sympathetic to Moore, was at least honest enough to dismiss his plea. The judge stated: “Moore’s arguments are Reconnaissance Marine MCI 03.32f: Marine Corps Institutephrased as constitutional claims, yet his allegations of physical injuries suggest that he is making an emotional distress tort claim.  To succeed in constitutional litigation, however, Moore needs to identify that part of the Constitution which guarantees a legal right to be free from anxiety at State displays of historical racism. There is none.” Although I have no doubt someone will now introduce one somewhere down the line.

The Essence of Liberty: Volume I: Liberty and History: The Rise and Fall of the Noble Experiment with Constitutionally Limited Government (Liberty and ... Limited Government) (Volume 1) The Essence of Liberty: Volume II: The Economics of Liberty (Volume 2) The Essence of Liberty: Volume III: A Universal Philosophy of Political Economy (Liberty: A Universal Political Ethic) (Volume 3)  This has now become a tactic of the cultural Marxists in Mississippi and elsewhere. “Confederate flags not only offend me but they make me physically ill, so you need to take them down so I don’t keep getting sick from seeing them.” If it were not so pitiful it would be ludicrous. So now everyone is supposed to haul their Confederate flag in because just the sight of one makes the cultural Marxists deathly sick. How long will it be before the sight of the Stars and Stripes also makes them sick?

A Handbook for Ranch Managers Planned Grazing: A Study Guide and Reference Manual Environmental & Natural Resource Economics: The Austrian ViewThis is  a ploy with the cultural Marxists to destroy your culture in stages and most folks still don’t get it.

In South Carolina they complained about the Confederate Flag on the flagpole at the state house years ago and they finally, with the finagling of some state legislators, got it removed and put up in a different spot at the state house, lower down so not as many people would be forced to view it. Less cultural Marxist illness that way I guess. It wasn’t long before they were complaining about the new location for the flag. Too many people could still see it! But it was a location they had agreed to, but now the flag was still too prominent and they continued to grouse about it until the shooting of those black folks in the church in Charleston, at which point their turncoat governor did what they had wanted all along and took it down completely. Her name should be mud in South Carolina politics. There are still questions about that shooting and the “spontaneous” outburst all across the country to get rid of Confederate flags and monuments. Some of us feel that maybe it wasn’t all quite as “spontaneous” as it was made out to be. However, now that the flag is down in South Carolina all the cultural Marxists in that state should be in grand health–until the next item on their agenda comes along.

So now this Mississippi lawyer wants the State Flag down because it makes him “sick.”  And he’s also afraid of the emotional damage it will cause his daughter when she sees it flying at the public school she attends. All I can say is that these black cultural Marxists today must be a pretty fragile group! Their ancestors seem to have handled things a lot better than they do. All they have to do nowadays is see something or hear something they don’t like and instantly they become physically and/or emotionally ill and whatever they have decided they don’t like is supposed to be removed immediately if not sooner. Sorry folks, I hate to burst your Marxist bubble, but it ain’t always gonna work that way. You better get used to that. Somewhere along the way when you want a flag or something taken down because you claim it “offends” you someone is going to say “no, it’s part of my heritage and culture and I’m not taking it down because you don’t like it.” So you will just have to learn to live with lots of stuff you don’t like just the same as the rest of us do. That’s the real world! Of course you can always appeal to weak-kneed politicians to pass laws that give you what you want, but at some point they won’t be there and someone who will stand up for principle just might be. What will you do them–try to tear down and steal the Confederate Flag you don’t like in your neighborhood and possibly risk getting shot doing it? I can just hear your defense in court now–“He’s a racist because he wouldn’t let me tear down his Confederate Flag because I didn’t like it. It made me sick.”

That old saw is going to wear real thin with juries after awhile.

To the cultural Marxists out there I will say this–you may accomplish a lot of what you want but you will never get all of what you want. There is a core of Southern and Confederate patriotic folks out there who will not give in to your  ludicrous Marxist demands for them to dismantle their culture to make you happy.
In fact some I have seen lately have become increasingly ticked off at your demands that they trash their heritage to keep you happy and I doubt that some will be pushed much further. I realize, being what you are–cultural Marxists–you won’t quit–but then neither will some of them. Just something for you to think about.

Reconnaissance Marine MCI 03.32f: Marine Corps InstituteAll unclassified Army and Marine Cops manuals and correspondence courses are products of the US Federal Government. They are NOT subject to copyright and can be freely copied and redistributed.

The Marine Corps Institute (MCI) develops correspondence courses for Marines with all kinds of Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) on all manner of subjects. This is one of those courses.

The print is relatively small because that is the way it was in the original and this is an exact reproduction. Also, as a tribute to the individual (and a touch of reality), you will notice that the editorial pencil marks and underlined passages that were put there by the Marine that took this course. They were intentionally left in the reproduction.

This version of the course was authorized in September of 1984. With the exception the development of Infrared technology, it contains information and techniques that have changed very little since the Vietnam war. These battle proven tactics are as valid today as they were in Quang Nam province in 1968.

They will maintain their validity during the upcoming inevitable event of total economic, political and social collapse. Yours for freedom in our lifetimes. jtl, 419

About Land & Livestock Interntional, Inc.

Land and Livestock International, Inc. is a leading agribusiness management firm providing a complete line of services to the range livestock industry. We believe that private property is the foundation of America. Private property and free markets go hand in hand—without property there is no freedom. We also believe that free markets, not government intervention, hold the key to natural resource conservation and environmental preservation. No government bureaucrat can (or will) understand and treat the land with as much respect as its owner. The bureaucrat simply does not have the same motives as does the owner of a capital interest in the property. Our specialty is the working livestock ranch simply because there are so many very good reasons for owning such a property. We provide educational, management and consulting services with a focus on ecologically and financially sustainable land management that will enhance natural processes (water and mineral cycles, energy flow and community dynamics) while enhancing profits and steadily building wealth.
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