Deep State Cultural Marxists Won’t Quit Until Trump Is Gone

“If Trump doesn’t adopt the Cold War 2 approach of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and is forced out of his own administration in the same manner as (Michael) Flynn, it will become clear why once we learn who would replace him…”
Combat Shooter's Handbook And what do you think the “Cold Dead Fingers Beer Belly Club will do if that does happen? Hint: Nothing!  — jtl, 419
by Al Benson Jr.via revisedhistory

One thing Donald Trump had better realize is the truth of the headline for this article. If he really grasps that it may help him to resist what they are trying to do to him. And he will need to resist because they will continue trying to have him for lunch if he does not.

Reconnaissance Marine MCI 03.32f: Marine Corps Institute An article on  for March 14th noted: “According to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange , Hillary has been busy behind the scenes plotting an impeachment. The former secretary of state is conspiring with the intelligence community to impeach President Donald Trump, Assange says, and wants Vice President Mike Pence to take over the White House. According to Assange, Pence is preferred by The Betrayed: On Warriors, Cowboys and Other MisfitsHillary and her cronies because he’s more ‘predicable’–and can therefore be more easily defeated.” Assange claimed he got this from two people in the intelligence community who passed it along to him. If true, it confirms the fact that Hillary indeed plans to run again in 2020 and she’d rather run against Pence than Trump because she thinks she can pretty well figure out what Pence will do in advance. The people who told Assange this said that Pence was “aware” of the plot. At this point I would not want  to accuse him of that, so we will just have to watch and see how it all goes down.

The Essence of Liberty: Volume I: Liberty and History: The Rise and Fall of the Noble Experiment with Constitutionally Limited Government (Liberty and ... Limited Government) (Volume 1) The Essence of Liberty: Volume II: The Economics of Liberty (Volume 2) The Essence of Liberty: Volume III: A Universal Philosophy of Political Economy (Liberty: A Universal Political Ethic) (Volume 3)  Now if you are like me you have to be getting sick and tired of all the anti-Russian fake news the prostitute press has been throwing at us for months now. If you were to accept it you would think that Donald Trump can’t blow his nose without asking Putin’s permission. I don’t doubt that 99% of it is of a very high grade of that stuff you find out in a West Texas cow pasture. I have no love for Putin, who has been part of the KGB in an earlier life, nor am I a Russia-lover who thinks Russia can do no wrong. The history of communism there is enough to give the lie to that foolishness. However, I  have noticed  that the people in Washington who claim to be so horrified by what Russia is doing now seemed to have no problem with what Russia, as part of the Soviet Union, did under communism. That didn’t seem to bother them, but a Russia, supposedly without communism seems to annoy them no end. Is there a lesson in that fact for us?

A Handbook for Ranch Managers Planned Grazing: A Study Guide and Reference Manual Environmental & Natural Resource Economics: The Austrian ViewAn article on for March 10, authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via observed: “If Trump doesn’t adopt the Cold War 2 approach of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and is forced out of his own administration in the same manner as (Michael) Flynn, it will become clear why once we learn who would replace him: Mike Pence. As the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin observed: ‘Pence is seen by many in Washington as a figure who might stand up for the traditionally hawkish views he espoused while in Congress, a proxy of sorts for the GOP national security establishment…according to Rogin, behind the scenes, Pence will ultimately help shape Trump’s foreign policy into the traditional style witnessed under Obama:” In other words, Pence, one way or another, will be used to shift Trump’s foreign policy to one that turns out to be anti-Russian. That will make the arms manufacturers and the military industrial complex deliriously happy. I’m not saying we should not strengthen our national defenses–we should. But let’s don’t go looking for a fight!

And as most intelligent folks realize, some of Trump’s worse enemies are not in Russia, they are a mere two miles down the road from the White House in Obama’s new mansion where he has set up a command post for the purpose of tearing down Trump’s administration. An article on March 12th on states that “Even since Trump got into office, Barack Hussein Obama has been completely consumed  with taking our new president down. As information continues to emerge about his shadow government and his illegal spying on Trump throughout the presidential election, now an insider close to ol’ Barry is revealing one of Obama”s daily routines…it shows just how truly demented and obsessed Obama has become since Trump’s January 20th inauguration ceremony…Rather than resorting to his favorite hobby of playing golf, Obama spends all of his waking hours literally  obsessing over the man who succeeded him in office…Obama leads daily conference calls with Democratic politicians, where they plot vile new strategies for how to completely obliterate Trump and his administration.”

Now we are told that Valerie Jarrett has move into Obama’s command post (mansion) to help “mount the insurgency” against Trump. According to an article by Dr. Susan Berry which appeared on Blabber-Buzz  for March 3rd: “…Jarrett, Obama’s former special advisor in the White House, has moved into the home with former lady Michelle Obama. I’ll bet that’s a cozy arrangement! When Obama was in office there were some who claimed that Jarrett was the real brains in the White House and kept the Obama (Soros) agenda focused. Could it be that this is the reason she is now moving in with the Obamas–to keep Barry “focused” on the real reason he is there so that he doesn’t wander off and spend too much time at the golf club or waste his time “obsessing” over the man who succeeded him?

However this hodge-podge works out, Mr. Trump has to realize he has many, many enemies, both inside and out of his administration and, more than ever, he needs prayers for wisdom, guidance, and discernment, because there are many in Washington and other places that do not wish to see him or the American people do well or succeed.

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Land and Livestock International, Inc. is a leading agribusiness management firm providing a complete line of services to the range livestock industry. We believe that private property is the foundation of America. Private property and free markets go hand in hand—without property there is no freedom. We also believe that free markets, not government intervention, hold the key to natural resource conservation and environmental preservation. No government bureaucrat can (or will) understand and treat the land with as much respect as its owner. The bureaucrat simply does not have the same motives as does the owner of a capital interest in the property. Our specialty is the working livestock ranch simply because there are so many very good reasons for owning such a property. We provide educational, management and consulting services with a focus on ecologically and financially sustainable land management that will enhance natural processes (water and mineral cycles, energy flow and community dynamics) while enhancing profits and steadily building wealth.
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